Win SiThu
Vice President of The Republic of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry(UMFCCI)
On behalf of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, UMFCCI.I would like to express my sincere congratulations to CABIS for its successful achievement at the 20th anniversary of the ASEAN-China strategy partnership in marking another important milestone in the excellent relations between China and ASEAN.
CABIS has been able to organize high-level annual events successfully over the past 19 years, even during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic by using a virtual online platform to provide opportunities for high-level dialogues, investments, economic and trade cooperation and people-to-people exchanges between China and ASEAN in order to foster innovation, cooperation, and development for our region.
In view of the fact that the CABIS has been playing a very important role in promoting China-ASEAN trade, investment, and economic cooperation. It is more relevant to have better support from leaders and government officials, including private sectors.
I believe that the CABIS platform could be supported for the development of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area and RCEP implementations by facilitating increased economic activity and quick cooperation for regional development. Since the ASEAN-China strategic partnership is moving forward with great momentum. It is expected to bring mutual benefit, true mutual trust, and respect.
There is also a lot of potential to be realized. There is also a lot of potential to be realized. At the same time, this strategic partnership should continue to prevail for peace, stability, and prosperity in our region.
In conclusion, let me express my congratulations and gratitude to everyone involved in the CABIS over the past 19 years for their relentless efforts and dedication to promote China-ASEAN cooperation.
祝大家万事如意 前程似锦。
I wish you all the best and success.
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry profile
缅甸工商会联合会(The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry,UMFCCI)成立于1919年,是缅甸商务部下属的非盈利机构,代表并维护缅甸私营部门的利益,由15个地区和联邦工商会、8个边境地区工商会、59个附属贸易和服务协会以及约8800名活跃会员组成。缅甸工商会联合会与附属协会、合作伙伴及企业携手合作,搭建国有企业与私营企业之间的桥梁,致力于建设一个公平、繁荣和具有竞争力的商业环境,成为促进缅甸商业增长及经济发展的国家层面最高商业组织。
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